Michael Adams
Provost Professor, English
- adamsmp@iu.edu
- (812) 855-3042
- Ballantine Hall 532
Research Interests
History and structure of English language, early British literature
The English department is located in Ballantine Hall. All mail to any faculty or staff in English should be sent to: Ballantine Hall 440 / 1020 E Kirkwood Ave / Bloomington, IN 47405.
Provost Professor, English
Research Interests
History and structure of English language, early British literature
Ruth A. Jones Professor of Rhetoric
Associate Professor, English
Director, Professional Writing Program
Research Interests
rhetorical theory, composition, and pedagogy; identity, agency, and rhetorics of human personhood; professional writing and visual rhetoric
Associate Professor, English
Affiliate, European Studies
Affiliate, Gender Studies
Affiliate, Renaissance Studies
Research Interests
Early modern literature; feminist, queer, and gender studies; political theory; manuscript studies and history of the book
Professor, English
Director, Rhetoric, Writing. and Communication
Research Interests
Rhetoric and Hermeneutics; rhetoric in creativity and ethics
Associate Professor, English
Research Interests
Histories and theories of rhetoric; digital rhetorics and the rhetorics of science and technology; ethics and phenomenology
Senior Lecturer, English
Coordinator, Multilingual Writing
Research Interests
British Romanticism, Genre Studies, World Literature in English, Memory and Migration, Multilingual Writing, Composition and Pedagogy
Senior Lecturer, English
Director, IU Writers' Conference
Research Interests
Creative writing, contemporary fiction/literature, queer fiction/literature
Professor, English
Chair, English
Academic Director, IU India Gateway
Adjunct Professor, American Studies
Adjunct Professor, Comparative Literature
Adjunct Professor, Cultural Studies
Adjunct Professor, History
Affiliated Professor, Gender Studies
Affiliate, Study of Global Change
Research Interests
Colonial literature and theory (South Asia, Ireland, and Afghanistan); globalization, feminist and cultural studies
Professor, English
Research Interests
Creative writing; poetry, poetics, fiction and non-fiction, literature
Associate Professor, English
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Research Interests
Transatlantic and global modernisms, visual culture, aesthetic theory
Academic Specialist, English
Assistant Director, Creative Writing
Research Interests
Creative writing, contemporary literature, editing, publishing, pop culture, print culture
Professor, English
Research Interests
Shakespeare and renaissance studies; Shakespeare and postmodernism, critical and cultural theories; feminist cultural studies; early modern transatlantic and restoration literatures; political philosophy and theories of democracy
Professor, English
Assistant Vice President for Arts and Humanities Research
Director, IUB Arts and Humanities Council
Research Interests
Modernism, the avant-garde, pop culture, popular music
Professor, English
Research Interests
Philosophy and literary theory, especially psychoanalysis, phenomenology, and materialism/realism; ethics and aesthetics; popular culture and music; science fiction, utopianism, and escapism.
Senior Lecturer, English
Director, Creative Writing Pedagogy
Research Interests
Creative writing: poetry and creative nonfiction; creative writing pedagogy
Professor, English
Research Interests
American literature and culture, especially 18th and 19th centuries; literary, cultural, and aesthetic theory
Professor, English
Research Interests
Creative Writing (Poetry), 19th- and 20th-century American Literatures
Professor, English
Environmental Futures, Team Lead
Research Interests
Late medieval literature and culture; poetics; visual culture and theory; religious writing
Associate Professor, English
Editor, Victorian Studies
Research Interests
The British 19th century; the theory and history of the novel; moral philosophy; theories of sympathy and of realism; narrative theory
Ruth Halls Professor, English
Research Interests
19th-century American literature and culture, history of the book, American religious publishing
Professor, English
Professor, American Studies
Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, and Arts and Humanities
Affiliate Professor, African American and African Diaspora Studies
Affiliate Professor, Asian American Studies
Affiliate Professor, Human Biology
Affiliate Professor, Latino Studies
Affiliate Professor, Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Affiliate Professor, Spanish and Portuguese
Research Interests
Caribbean and Caribbean American literature, postmodernism, food studies, memoir, world literature, comparative ethnic American literature
Associate Professor, English
Susan D. Gubar Chair
Research Interests
African American literature, literary history, cultural studies, and women’s writing
Senior Lecturer, English
Research Interests
Media, Film and Cultural Studies; Historical Avant Garde; The Abject and the Real; Religious Movements
Lecturer, English
Coordinator, ENG-W131 Basic
Research Interests
Philosophy of language, semiotics, mystical and apocalyptic literature, religious rhetoric and communication, organizational communication
Associate Professor, English
Research Interests
Digital media and rhetorical studies, especially multimedia production and rhetorical invention
Martha Biggerstaff Jones Professor, English
Affiliate Professor, Gender Studies
Director, Institute for Advanced Study
Research Interests
Chaucer; medieval romance, including Arthurian; magic and marvels in literature; literary histories of the Middle Ages; psychoanalytic, post-colonial, and gender theories
Director, Wells Scholars Program
Distinguished Professor, English
George F. Getz Jr. Professor, Wells Scholars Program
Class of 1942 Professor, Wells Scholars Program
Research Interests
American poetry; biography; ecocriticism; history of science; literature and the visual arts; archival studies
Associate Professor, English
Research Interests
Creative writing (fiction), playwriting, African American Literature, Historical fiction, Southern literature
Associate Professor, English
Research Interests
American Studies; Science Fiction Literature and Film; Race and Ethnicity in American Comics; Afrofuturism; U/Dystopian Studies
Professor, English
Research Interests
Victorian Studies, 19th-century British literature, the novel, popular culture, animal studies
Professor, English
Director, Victorian Studies Program
Co-Editor, Victorian Studies
Associate Professor, History
Research Interests
Victorian Studies, the British Empire, Museums, Visual Culture and Museums, Warfare and Statecraft
Lecturer, English
Associate Director, Composition
Research Interests
Rhetorical theory, multimodal composition, pedagogy, and the environmental humanities
Lecturer, English
Research Interests
life writing, autobiography studies, dystopian literature, rhetoric in everyday life, new journalism, American nature writing
Assistant Professor, English
Research Interests
Medieval literature and culture, Old English, Celtic (Irish and Welsh) languages and literatures, environmental humanities, history of the English language, young adult literature, digital humanities
Associate Professor, English
Director of Graduate Studies
Director, Center for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Research Interests
18th-century British literature and culture; the rise of the novel; the Gothic; the graphic novel
Associate Professor, English
Research Interests
Romantic and Victorian poetry and prose fiction; narrative theory; poetics; literature and science; science fiction
Ruth N. Halls Associate Professor, English
Research Interests
African Diaspora literature and American Studies
Associate Professor, English
Culbertson Chair
Research Interests
History of rhetoric, ancient Greek rhetorical theory, history of ideas, literary history
Lecturer, English
Associate Director, Composition
Research Interests
writing and retention, first-year composition, pedagogy, nontraditional students
Professor, English
Director, Center for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism
Professor, Jewish Studies
M. Glazer Chair, Jewish Studies
Affiliate, ISCA
Research Interests
Holocaust literature; post-Holocaust antisemitism; American Jewish literature; practical criticism; exile literature
Associate Professor, English
Affiliate Assistant Professor, Gender Studies
Director, Cultural Studies Program
Research Interests
American feminist and queer speculative fiction, philosophy, and methods
Associate Professor, English
Director, Composition
Research Interests
Rhetoric and composition, multilingual pedagogy, literacy studies, ethnography, multilingual composition and the plurality of Englishes
Associate Professor, English
Research Interests
Modern and Contemporary Poetry, Literary Aesthetics, and Literature and Science
Associate Professor, English
Director, Creative Writing
Research Interests
Fiction, creative non-fiction, memoir, racial passing
Senior Lecturer, English
Coordinator of P155 Public Oral Communication
Advance College Project Liaison for Speech
Research Interests
Rhetorical criticism, Rhetorics of Architecture and Public Memory
Lecturer, English
Research Interests
Writing & literature pedagogy; Victorian literature & visual culture; women & the visual arts
Associate Director, Composition
Lecturer, English
Research Interests
Composition, Fiction Writing, Sci-Fi, and Video Games
Professor, English
Associate Chair, English
Research Interests
Rhetorical criticism of African American public address, film, and rhetorical criticism in the liberal arts and citizen education
Associate Professor, English
Affiliate Associate Professor, Gender Studies
Affiliate Associate Professor, Cultural Studies
Research Interests
Movement politics, democratic rhetoric, rhetorical theory, feminism
Distinguished Professor, English
Martha C. Kraft Professor, Humanities
Research Interests
Fiction writing, novel writing, South Asian literature and culture
Associate Professor, English
Associate Professor, Latino Studies Program
Adjunct Professor, American Studies
Affiliate Professor, Gender Studies
Research Interests
Latina/o Literatures; Ethnic American and 19th- and 20th-century American literatures; transnational American studies; critical race studies
Senior Lecturer, English
Research Interests
medieval romance, gender and sexuality studies, narrative theory, medievalism, media studies
Senior Lecturer, English
Research Interests
Rhetoric of science and technology; democratic deliberation and advocacy; rhetorical theory; poststructuralism; psychoanalysis