- Ph.D., English, Stanford University, 2002
- B.A., Physics and Astronomy and Astrophysics, Harvard University

Monique Morgan
Associate Professor, English
Associate Professor, English
My interests focus on Romantic and Victorian poetry and prose fiction, though they also include narrative theory, poetics, literature and science, and science fiction. In all my research and teaching, I am concerned with the ways literary form influences readers’ intellectual, ethical, and emotional responses, and with the interactions of different kinds of forms across genres, media, and disciplines. My first book, Narrative Means, Lyric Ends (2009), examines a variety of strategies through which four nineteenth-century long poems put narrative techniques in the service of lyric purposes. In the process, it places narratology in dialogue with poetic theory, and connects large-scale narrative structures with small-scale figures and rhythms. My current project, Narrative and Epistemology in Victorian Science Fiction, draws upon discussions of methodology in a range of scientific fields to argue that many nineteenth-century science fiction novels expose and defamiliarize the patterns of rational inquiry that underpin both narrative form and scientific investigation.
“The Angry Woman’s Case Against the Mask Lyric: Or, Redefining the Dramatic Monologue.” Victorian Studies 62.2 (Winter 2020): 201-207.
“Genres.” The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Women’s Poetry. Ed. Linda K. Hughes. New York: Cambridge UP, 2019. Pp. 13-27.
“Wells, Herbert George.” The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Victorian Literature. Eds. Dino Franco Felluga, Pamela K. Gilbert, and Linda K. Hughes. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell, 2015. 3,498 words.
“The Eruption of Krakatoa (also known as Krakatau) in 1883.” BRANCH: Britain, Representation, and Nineteenth-Century History. Extension of Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net. Web. 2013.
“Nineteenth-Century Science Fiction.” Sense of Wonder: A Century of Science Fiction. Rockville, MD: Wildside P, 2011. 85-86.
“Madness, Unreliable Narration, and Genre in The Purple Cloud.” Science Fiction Studies 36.2 (July 2009): 266-83.
“Narrative Means to Lyric Ends in Wordsworth’s Prelude.” Narrative 16.3 (October 2008): 298-330.
“Lyric Narrative Hybrids in Victorian Poetry.” Literature Compass 4.3 (May 2007): 917-34.
“Frankenstein’s Singular Events: Inductive Reasoning, Narrative Technique, and Generic Classification.” Romanticism on the Net 44 (December 2006). Web.
“Conviction in Writing: Crime, Confession, and the Written Word in Great Expectations.” Dickens Studies Annual 33 (2003): 87-108.
“Productive Convergences, Producing Converts.” Victorian Poetry 41.4 (Winter 2003): 500-04.