Composition Courses
- W131 Reading, Writing + Inquiry I (3 Cr.)
W131 is a course in academic writing that attempts to integrate critical reading, thinking, and writing about phenomena and issues in our culture. Rather than practicing a set of discrete skills or often unrelated modes of discourse, the course aims to build sequentially on students’ ability to read both written and cultural texts closely and critically and to analyze those texts in ways that also engage and problematize students’ own experience, the perspectives of “experts,” and the world they live in.
W131 aims to show students how the use of sources, agreement/disagreement, and personal response can be made to serve independent, purposeful, and well-supported analytical writing.
In summary, the course offers instruction and practice in the reading, writing, and critical thinking skills required in college. Emphasis is on written assignments that require synthesis, analysis, and argument based on sources.
- W131 Reading, Writing + Inquiry I - Basic Writing (3 Cr.)
The Composition program offers several sections of W131-Basic Writing (BW) each semester as well. In most important respects, the BW version of W131 is no different from other versions of W131: like other versions, the BW sections provide instruction and practice in the fundamental reading and writing skills required in college, emphasizing written assignments that require synthesis, analysis, and argument based on sources. In other respects, however, the BW version of W131 offers eligible students several advantages. For one, BW sections are considerably smaller than other W131 sections to allow for greater interaction between instructor and student. To this end, all BW sections are taught by experienced instructors who are committed to working closely with students.
Josh Hasler
W131-Basic Coordinator
Department of English
Ballantine HallEligibility is based on the following guidelines:
- ACT ENGLISH 18 or below or
- SAT Evidenced Based Reading and Writing Score of 480 or below
- high school GPA of 2.9 or below
Note: The Basic Writing section fulfills the English composition requirement. There is nothing that appears on a student’s transcript to indicate that a BW section was taken rather than some other version of W131.
- W131 Reading, Writing + Inquiry I - Multilingual (3 Cr.)
ENG W131ML is designed for those students whose core educational backgrounds occurred in languages other than English. Like other sections of ENG W131, this course offers rigorous instruction in understanding college-level writing and research as a multivocal process. It bears the same amount of credit, requires the same amount of writing, and places the same emphasis on critical thinking, analytical writing, and synthesis as does ENG W131; but it encourages students to gain lexical knowledge in a particular issue or topic area, equips them to become independent writers of English, and provides them with the opportunity to focus on specific linguistic concerns.
ENG W131ML also offers students a smaller class size and a setting that gives extra attention to the development of critical language awareness, especially as it relates to conventions of academic reading, writing, and inquiry across texts and contexts. For more information, students may contact:
Mahasweta Baxipatra
Multilingual Writing Coordinator
Department of English
baxipatm@iu.eduEligibility is based on the following guidelines:
Multilingual Writing STRONGLY ADVISED
TOEFL iBT 108 or lower
TOEFL iBT Writing Sub-score of 24 or lower
TOEFL PBT 628 or lower
TOEFL ITP + China 627 or lower
IELTS Writing Sub-score of 7 or lower
Cambridge English 185 or lower
Duolingo English Writing Sub-score of 150 or lower
Pearson PTE 72 or lower
Michigan English Test 63 or less
SAT EBRW 710 or less
ACT English 32 or less
Note: Seats permitting, Multilingual Writing is an excellent option for any student who identifies as multilingual and would like to take the class. For students who are not immediately eligible to enroll, please complete a permission request. Students and their advisors may also contact the Multilingual Coordinator for assistance.
- W170 Projects in Reading and Writing (3 cr.)
W170 represents an alternative to W131, satisfying the freshman composition requirement but designed to offer more intensive writing and reading instruction around some theme or question. Open to all freshmen, it typically attracts those who are slightly more serious about reading and writing and more comfortable assuming a greater responsibility for their own learning.
As a reading and writing course, W170 has essentially the same goals as W131. Both courses assume that students will write analytical, argumentative, and investigative academic essays based on sources and that they will take their essays through a full cycle of drafting and revising.
- W171 Projects in Digital Literacy and Composition (3 cr.)
W171 represents an alternative to W131, satisfying the freshman composition requirement but designed to offer more intensive writing and reading instruction around a theme or question related to the digital landscape shaping our world. Moreover, the course incorporates more use of digital technologies and introduces students to key concepts of digital literacy, digital problem solving, and digital creativity. Open to all freshmen, it typically attracts those who are slightly more serious about reading and writing and more comfortable assuming a greater responsibility for their own learning. It does not require any tech expertise, just a healthy curiosity for digital tools and questions.
As a reading and writing course, W171 has essentially the same goals as W131. Both courses assume that students will write analytical, argumentative, and investigative academic essays based on sources and that they will take their essays through a full cycle of drafting and revising.
- W202 English Grammar Review (1 cr.)
This 1 credit, eight-week course will provide a basic understanding of grammatical terms and principles sufficient to enable students to edit their own prose with confidence. Despite the course title, no prior knowledge of grammar will be assumed or required. No authorization is required for this course. Does not count in the major or minor.
- W203 Creative Writing (3 cr.)
This course is an exploration of creative writing, including craft concepts and the workshopping of students’ own original poetry or fiction. Does not satisfy the English composition requirement. May be repeated with a different topic for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
- W231 Professional Writing Skills (3 cr.)
This course is designed to help students, in any field, develop writing and research skills which will be useful in the professional world and any future writing project. This course concentrates on the writing of concise, informative prose, and emphasizes the importance of writing with a clearly defined purpose and audience.
Assignments will be based on general principles of communication but will usually take the form of writing done in the world of work: letters, memos, summaries, and abstracts, reports, proposals, etc.
Students will often be able to write on subjects related to their field of study. The course requires constant, careful attention to writing and rewriting, and many classes will be conducted as workshops, with writing exercises and detailed discussion of the work of class members.
- W240 Community Service Writing (3 cr.)
Integrates service with learning to develop research and writing skills requisite for most academic and professional activities. Students volunteer at a community service agency, write an assignment for public use by the agency, and perform course work culminating in a research paper on a related social issue.
- W241 Collaborative Digital Writing (3 cr.)
Workshop-oriented class integrating service learning and digital forms of public and professional writing through online collaborations. Students work in teams addressing real community needs through research and writing that culminates in a portfolio showcasing individually- and team-authored documents.
- W270 Argumentative Writing (3 cr.)
Offers instruction and practice in writing argumentative essays about complicated and controversial issues. The course focuses on strategies for identifying issues, assessing claims, locating evidence, deciding on a position, and writing papers with clear assertions and convincing arguments.
- W280 Literary Editing and Publishing (3 cr.)
Principles of editing and publishing literary writing. Kinds of journals, varieties of formats (including print and e-zine), introduction to editing and production processes. Possible focus on genre publishing (fiction, poetry, non-fiction prose), grant writing, Web publishing, etc. May not be repeated for credit.
- W321 Advanced Technical Writing: Visual Literacy and Document Design (3 cr.)
This course investigates the rhetorical principles that inform the composition and design of effective professional writing.
- W350 Advanced Expository Writing (3 cr.)
Advanced writing course focuses on the interconnected activities of writing and reading, especially the kinds of responding, analyzing, and evaluating that characterize work in many fields in the university. Topics vary from semester to semester.