Early Plays of Shakespeare

L313 — Fall 2021

Linda Charnes
Days and Times
3:15p - 4:30p TR (3 CR)
Course Description

In this course we will read six plays from Shakespeare’s earlier career, roughly pre-1600. What were the issues that most obsessed the young playwright, and how do they provide a roadmap into how to understand his entire career? A self-made man who came to London with little means, how did Shakespeare manage to create such a staggering career? Why were his plays popular? More importantly, how does he carve a place for himself by upping the ante for his fellow playwrights? Reading will include The Taming of the Shrew; The Merchant of Venice; King Richard II; Henry V; Troilus and Cressida; Hamlet.

Requirements: two essays, a midterm and a creative final exam. Attendance and participation will count for 20% of your course grade.

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The full details of this course are available on the Office of the Registrar website.

See complete course details