John Lincoln Schilb

John Lincoln Schilb

Professor Emeritus, English


  • Ph.D., State University of New York, Binghamton, 1978
  • M.A., English Literature, Hofstra University, 1974

Journal Articles and Other Publications

Chapters in Books:

“Composing Literary Studies in Graduate Courses.” Disciplining English. Ed. David Shumway. and Craig Dionne. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002. 137-48.

“The WPA and the Politics of Litcomp.” The Writing Program Administrator’s Resource. Ed. Stuart Brown, Theresa Enos, and Catherine Chaput. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002. 165-79.

“Autobiography After Prozac.” Rhetorical Bodies: Towards a Material Rhetoric. Ed. Jack Selzer and Sharon Crowley. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1999. 202-17.

“Reprocessing the Essay.” Post-Process Composition Theory: Beyond the Writing Process Paradigm. Ed. Thomas Kent. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1999. 198-214.

“Scholarship in Composition and Literature: Some Comparisons.” Academic Advancement in Composition Studies. Ed. Richard and Barbara Geselle Gebhardt. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1996. 21-31.

“Future Historiographies of Rhetoric and the Present Age of Anxiety.” Writing Histories of Rhetoric. Ed. Victor Vitanza. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1994. 128-38.

“Composing Conflicts: A Writing Teacher’s Perspective.” Teaching the Conflicts: Gerald Graff, Curricular Reform, and the Culture Wars. Ed. William Cain. New York: Garland, 1994. 95-108.

“The History of Rhetoric and the Rhetoric of History.” PRE/TEXT: The First Decade. Ed. Victor Vitanza. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1993. 237-62. [Rpt. With a new postscript from PRE/TEXT 7 (1987): 11-31.]

“Poststructuralism, Politics, and the Subject of Pedagogy.” Pedagogy is Politics. Ed. Maria-Regina Kecht. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1992. 48-69.

“Cultural Studies, Postmodernism, and Composition.” Contending With Words: Composition and Rhetoric in a Postmodern Age. Ed. Patricia Harkin and John Schilb. New York: MLA, 1991. 173-88.

“Text,’ Author,’ Reader,’ and History’ in the Introduction to Literature Course.” Practicing Theory in Introductory College Literature Courses. Ed. James M. Cahalan and David B. Downing. Urbana: NCTE, 1991. 59-71.

Selected Articles:

“Preparing Graduate Students to Teach Literature: Composition Studies as a Possible Foundation.” Pedagogy 1 (2001): 507-524.

“Traveling Theory and the Defining of New Rhetorics.” Rhetoric Review 11 (1992): 34-48.

“What’s at Stake in the Conflict Between Theory’ and Practice’ in Composition?” Rhetoric Review 10 (1991): 91-97.

“The Role of Ethos: Ethics, Rhetoric, and Politics in Contemporary Feminist Theory.” PRE/TEXT 11 (1990): 211-34.

Selected Honors and Awards:

  • Honorable Mention, Journal of Advanced Composition W. Ross Winterowd Award, for Between the Lines (1997)
  • Nancy Dasher Award from the College English Association of Ohio, for Contending With Words (1994)
  • Certificate of Teaching Excellence, University of Maryland (1995)


  • General Editor, Series in Composition and Rhetoric, Peter Lang Publishing (1991-98)
  • Guest editor, issue on “Teaching Noncanonical Literature,” Reader (1986)

Editorial Boards:

  • College English (1998-present)
  • Studies in Writing and Rhetoric series, Conference on College Composition and Communication (1996-99)
  • Rhetoric Review (1995-present)
  • Works and Days (1995-present)
  • Reader (1993-present)
  • PRE/TEXT (1988-present)

Other Professional Service:

  • MLA Delegate Assembly (representing Composition, Writing, and Rhetoric) (1996-98)
  • Executive Committee, MLA Division on Teaching as a Profession (1992-96); chair in 1995
  • Chair, CCCC Outstanding Dissertation Award Committee (1992-93); member 1990-94
  • Executive Board, Association of Teachers of Advanced Composition (1989-91)
  • NCTE Committee on Response to Literature (1985-88)