- Ph.D., Stanford University, 1992

Joan Pong Linton
Associate Professor Emeritus, English
Associate Professor Emeritus, English
I have taught a range of courses, including courses on Renaissance/early modern literature, literary theory, introductory courses in literature and writing, and, from time to time, a course on community service writing. In my research, I am generally interested in the diverse ways literary and cultural productions relate to history and theory. I have written on gender and the literary formations of English colonialism, the romance, early modern women writers (especially the Protestant martyr, Anne Askew). My current research on trickster agency and trickster poetics in early modern England feeds my passion for narrative, storytelling, and the figural politics of cultural forms. And I’m still working my way back to the trickster that launched my critical imagination, the Chinese Monkey in its cultural diasporas.
“Counterfeiting Sovereignty, Mocking Mastery: Trickster Poetics and the Critique of Romance in Nashe’s Unfortunate Traveller.” Early Modern Prose Fiction and the Creation of the Reading Classes. Ed. Naomi Liebler. London: Routledge P, 2007. 130-47, 165-66.
“Kurosawa’s Ran (1985) and King Lear: Towards a Conversation on Historical Responsibility.” Quarterly Review of Film and Video 23 (2006): 341-51.
“Scripted Silences, Reticence, and Agency in Anne Askew’s Examinations.” English Literary Renaissance 36 (Winter 2006): 3-25.
“The Plural Voices of Anne Askew.” Write or Be Written: Early Modern Women Poets and Cultural Constraints. Eds. Ursula Appelt and Barbara Smith. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001. 137-53.
“Watch this Space; Or, Why We Have Not Revised the Teacher Education Program at Indiana University--Yet.” Co-authored with Kathryn Flannery, JoAnne Frye, Donald Gray, Mary Beth Hines, and Kenneth Johnston. Preparing a Nation’s Teachers: Models for English and Foreign Language Programs. Eds. Phyllis Franklin, David Laurence, and Elizabeth B. Welles. New York: Modern Language Association, 1999. 49-64.
“The Humanist in the Market: Gendering Exchange and Authorship in Lyly's Euphues Romances.” Framing Elizabethan Fiction: Contemporary Approaches to Early Modern Prose Narrative. Ed. Constance C. Relihan. Kent OH: Kent State UP, 1996. 73-97; 219-23.
“Jack of Newbery and Drake in California: Domestic and Colonial Narratives of English Cloth and Manhood.” ELH 59 (1992), 23-51.